What happens if you discover you don’t have your lucky coin? What if you step on a crack? The resulting behavior may be what makes the difference between a quirk and an indication of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).
The best way to find the program that is right for you is to educate yourself. Here are a few things to consider if you are looking for a Borderline Personality Disorder treatment center for women.
The series is a great way to learn more information about Borderline Personality Disorder and BPD treatment from the comfort of your own home.
In his Personal Effects series, New York-based photographer Lawrence Sumulong attempts to put a face to just some of the many women struggling with Borderline Personality Disorder.
Sponsored by Clearview Women’s Center, bestselling author Randi Kreger will give a free, interactive workshop on October 3 in Venice, Calif.
Here are some of the ways you can cope with your own feelings and learn to react to a person with Borderline Personality Disorder that don’t add fuel to the fire, but helps to diffuse some of the tension and emotional upheaval.
Whether or not your parent has been officially diagnosed as having Borderline Personality Disorder, you’re going to need help when it comes to managing the effects of the mental health disorder.
In their daughter Sasha’s memory, the Menu Coureys created Sashbear.org as a way to raise awareness about Borderline Personality Disorder and increase access to BPD treatment for those who need it.
The relationship between mother and child is one universally recognized as one of the single most influential factors in a person’s physical, psychological, and emotional well-being. When a mother has Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), her influence over her child can be extremely damaging on many levels.