Going through Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) treatment can be a long and often difficult process. Successful BPD treatment means targeting the symptoms of BPD and finding ways to better manage them, which often means a long-term commitment to recovery.
So what happens if, despite your commitment to your BPD treatment, you experience a relapse of your Borderline Personality Disorder symptoms?
It’s Not You, It’s BPD
First of all, don’t beat yourself up if you experience a relapse of your Borderline Personality Disorder symptoms. Unlike a broken bone, BPD doesn’t just heal after a set period of time. It often requires years of healing at varying rates.
You may from time to time remember what it felt like to be living in full-blown BPD mode, experience mood swings, or have some of your old thoughts again. Everyone goes through negative, or even miserable, feelings from time to time and this is normal. However, if these symptoms become persistent or prevent you from functioning in your daily life, it is time to again seek professional BPD treatment.
What a BPD Relapse Might Mean
BPD often requires lifetime management. You might have to reenter Borderline Personality Disorder treatment for a refresher course on how to deal with a crisis, assert your needs, or find better ways to manage extreme emotions.
If you think you’re going into a BPD relapse, that may be an indication of a significant level of stress in your life. Perhaps you are having trouble staying employed or believe a significant other is going to leave you. Times of high stress have a funny way of making BPD symptoms return. They should be taken seriously, however, and you should be proactive about getting needed BPD treatment.
Long-term Recovery from BPD
In the results of a recent 10-year study, Borderline Personality Disorder patients showed a remission rate of 85 percent. That means that, over a 10-year period, people with BPD overwhelmingly showed no signs of BPD at the end of 10 years if they received BPD treatment.
Many studies have shown that people suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder in their 20s often find their 30s and 40s to be more fulfilling and more stable. In light of this information, you can be confident that if any relapses occur, the BPD symptoms should be less extreme than they initially were.
However, management is key. Know that if you are again experiencing Borderline Personality Disorder symptoms, you have to make some changes. That may mean seeing a therapist on a regular basis again, or changing your diet or starting a yoga class to reduce stress.
Just remember that, if and when you do experience a Borderline Personality Disorder relapse, there are ways to again get your BPD symptoms under control.