The festive holiday season is right around the corner. That means loads of food, parties, and family gatherings. If you are one of the 8 million Americans who suffer from an eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia, or Binge Eating Disorder, all of these celebrations may mean you’ll have to take extra care to keep your symptoms under control so that you don’t relapse.
People with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) frequently engage in self-harmful behaviors, such as cutting and burning. A recent study by researchers at the University of Washington and Alliant International University aimed to find out what triggers these self-harmful behaviors, as well as suicide attempts.
If you are concerned that you are enabling your loved one, here are some actions you can take to stop your enabling behaviors and hopefully motivate your loved one to enter BPD treatment.
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is notoriously difficult to treat, but there are several therapies that are successful when it comes to managing BPD symptoms. Here is a look at three of the primary BPD treatment therapies and how they compare.
Drawing on her own experience as someone diagnosed with BPD and alcohol addiction, Amy Allison published a meditation book that focuses on the needs, concerns, and questions faced by someone looking for dual diagnosis treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder and an addiction.
Whether your child is young enough to still live at home or has branched out on their own, getting them to enter Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) treatment may be more of a challenge than you expected. If you are at a loss for what to do, here are a few tips to help alleviate your child’s fears and motivate them to enroll in BPD treatment.
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is most commonly diagnosed when a person is in their 20s or early 30s, when the symptoms of BPD are most severe. Though the severity of BPD symptoms diminishes with age, it is possible to get a BPD diagnosis when you are older.
Cutting is one form of self-harmful behavior that someone with Borderline Personality Disorder may engage in. Because it can be easy to hide, people with BPD are more likely to engage in cutting than in other self-harmful behaviors. And, unless you know what to look for, you may never realize that your loved one is intentionally harming themselves.
Getting a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) isn’t something most people want to hear. While it may bring some people relief that they can put a name to their symptoms, others may be unwilling to admit that they have a psychiatric disorder. Here are some things to consider if you are finding it difficult to talk to your loved one about their Borderline Personality Disorder diagnosis.
Regular exercise has always been touted as an effective way to keep stress at bay, get a better night’s sleep, and keep your body healthy. According to new research, exercise may even be a viable treatment option for mental illness.