Borderline Personality Disorder is difficult to treat, and treatment for BPD is often an intensive process. However, it is possible to recover from BPD and begin living a more balanced, emotionally healthy life.
As much as you may have the best intentions and be putting great effort into resolving conflicts with someone who has Borderline Personality Disorder, without some guidance it can be hard to know how you can approach conversations in a way that doesn’t escalate emotions or snowball into further conflicts.
The rate of suicide for those with Borderline Personality Disorder is higher than that of any other psychiatric disorder. If you care for someone who has BPD, it is important to recognize the signs that they may be suicidal.
When adults enter treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder, they generally have already experienced many years of dysfunction. Early intervention with young can address behavioral problems and their root causes before they become completely entrenched.
This article provides you some techniques and practical applications of mentalization for families struggling to overcome the constant misunderstandings and distress that poor familial interactions can cause.
In this article, we will examine how family communication that does not include mentalization can lead to a cycle of misunderstandings and dysfunction, and increase distress and vulnerability.
“Inhibited grieving” is the suppression of emotion as a result of constant conflict. In this article, we will examine how families can start to overcome it and build stronger relationships with their loved one with Borderline Personality Disorder.
In the early days of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), the treatment focused primarily on the person suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). It is now recognized that family members and loved ones also need to participate in the BPD recovery process using DBT skills. In this article, we will look at what “unrelenting crisis” is and how you can be proactive about ending the cycle.
Brandon Marshall created Project Borderline to help educate people about Borderline Personality Disorder, raise awareness of BPD, and help people gain access to the resources that they need to recover. He also hopes to bridge the gap between patients, clinicians, and family members.
Borderline Personality Disorder is a condition that has a profound ripple effect, as the conflict in the primary spousal and familial relationships often spreads to all of those friends and relatives surrounding and witnessing the dysfunctional relationship. So how do you cope with the anger that can result?