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Walk with NAMI to Raise Awareness for Mental Illness

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NAMIWalksEvery year, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) gathers thousands of walkers around the country to raise awareness about the need for treatment for people with mental illness. 

During last year’s NAMIWalks, people in more than 80 communities joined to help fight the stigma of mental illness and raise funds for awareness. This year, walks are again scheduled in cities from Hawaii to Illinois to Louisiana. From September through June, local NAMI chapters will hold 5k walks to raise money for mental health support, education, and advocacy. 

If you are interested in participating in any of the local NAMIWalks, go to to see if there is one scheduled in your community. There is no fee to participate in the walks, but you are encouraged to collect donations. 

If you are in Los Angeles, join NAMIWalks Los Angeles and Clearview Treatment Programs on October 1 in Santa Monica. 

National Alliance on Mental Illness 

NAMI, founded in 1979, has affiliates in every state and in more than 1,100 local communities across the country dedicated to the eradication of mental illness and improving the quality of life for people affected.

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